The Fickle Fig Farm Market

Year-round farmers' market, bakery, and bistro, featuring seasonable, sustainable, local & organic farm produce and products from North Saanich, BC.
🐰 Easter Weekend 🥚 Open regular hours all weekend 🐣 All locations
🐰 Easter Weekend 🥚 Open regular hours all weekend 🐣 All locations
Our Story
The dream to create The Fickle Fig Farm Market began in 2013 with a small 5-acre boutique farm. We sold our produce at a farm stand on the Lochside Trail in Saanich BC, and at the North Saanich Farmer’s Market and the Sidney night market. We raised hens, pigs, sheep, goats, honeybees, and grew a variety of fruits and veggies. Fast forward to 2016 and our dream truly grew to fruition when we found a permanent home on Mills Road in North Saanich. We took over an old nursery and converted it into a full kitchen, market, bistro, cafe, bakery and gelateria. Soon after a little pico-brewery came on site, the perfect haven for a pastry chef and farmer by trade.